your heart can't be colder than this world of ice and snow
It's the first snow I've ever seen in Tokyo, and it's also the first snow I have seen in let's say 3 years. I'm definitely not somebody who ever enjoys winter. With a low blood pressure and shaking knees whenever the temperature falls under 15 degrees, all I actually want to do during the cold months is to stay in my little cold apartment and hide under my bed sheets with hot tea, movies and books all by myself.
But no matter how much I wish for the spring to come, for the sun shining through the sheer curtains into my room early in the morning, ice cream in the noon and cold beer in the evening sun, for long walks through still undiscovered parts of the city, sleeping on the grass in Yoyogi Park, freckles all over my face, and so on and on...No matter how much I'm longing for this season to start, it won't. At least not for a while and to make it all worse it will still get colder, wetter, sadder until the sun finally shows some mercy.
But today when I saw the snow in front of my window, I had to take a walk. I had to go outside to hear the snow crunch under my feet, to let the snow flakes melt on my face.
And then I remembered how my mom, my dad and me used to sit in my dads huge truck, in the middle of the coldest winter, how our feet were cozily warm from the heater and how the thick snowflakes battered against the windscreen, driving somewhere.
I think it was France. And that was me all alone on Valentines Day.
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