On March 11 the biggest earthquake of the century hit Japan and left a the whole country in horror. I, carrying a suitcase packed for not more than 3 days, left for Osaka and then Germany. All my beloved friends scattered to the four winds: some still in Tokyo, some went to south Japan and some back in their home countries.
Being in Germany is a huge cure for the soul. No need to run here, but too much time leaves no time to rest your mind. So now, 3 days before I have to take my flight back to Tokyo I still haven't decided on whether to stay or take another year off and stay in Berlin, doing an internship and start school next April. On the one hand I don't want to waste one year on the other hand the radiation levels around Japan are still out of control and I'm very worried about myself and all my friends, who are still in Tokyo.
It's hard to say where we all gonna end up. But all that made me really realize how much I love this country, how much I love it's people and how much I want to go back to how we were before. But for now there are decisions to be made. And I have only 3 days left.